1. Ready • Prefold
Printed instructions:
( Located on the inside of the ABLE CATCH Pantry Pest Trap:
1. Ready – Prefold )
PREFOLD 1 – fold – 1 and 3 – fold – 3
Detailed Instructions & Video:
Fold along remaining two perforated fold lines labeled “1 – fold – 1″ and “3 – fold -3″
- Locate scored “1 – fold – 1” above the label 1. Ready
- Fold along line 1
- Locate scored “3 – fold – 3” above the label 3. Trap
- Fold along line 3
The PREFOLD step is optional. The fold lines are perforated for easy folding now or even once the release film has been removed.
The previous step SPLIT, folded the trap along ‘2 – fold – 2‘ in the middle and has already been prefolded.
Up Next:
In the next Step DATE, you’ll enter today’s day and moth to record when the lure was opened. (in 3. TRAP – Replace you’ll find that the lure lasts 3 months )